Our editing details for
[Battlestar Galactica Season 1, Episode 2 : Water]

click here to watch Battlestar Galactica Season 1, Episode 2 : Water (partially edited)

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Our Details:

Things we found in this movie:
clothing/kissing etc: 21, verbal: 9, violence: 2, substance use: 5, credits/other: 3

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Tags for this movie

If you'd like to see the internal details of all tags, click here.
start - end duration    default action category subcategory age impact to story modify details delete
0m 00.01s - 0m 34.26s (overlaps with tag starting at 0m 15.32s) 0m 34.25s skip (disabled) movie-content initial theme song 1 modify tag initial theme delete
0m 15.32s - 0m 19.26s (overlaps with tag starting at 0m 00.01s) 0m 03.94s skip physical sex foreplay lewdness level: 8 (out of ??) 1 modify tag passionate kissing delete
0m 34.26s - 1m 06.80s (overlaps with tag starting at 0m 53.97s) 0m 32.54s skip (disabled) movie-content recap 1 modify tag recap delete
0m 53.97s - 0m 55.92s (overlaps with tag starting at 0m 34.26s) 0m 01.96s mute profanity h word 1 modify tag - Giving up my seat. - Like _h..._ delete
0m 57.16s - 0m 58.66s (overlaps with tag starting at 0m 34.26s) 0m 01.50s skip violence killing not OK age 6 and under 4 modify tag shooting death while kissing, not explicit delete
4m 13.81s - 4m 18.72s (overlaps with tag starting at 4m 17.30s) 0m 04.91s skip profanity deity exclamation (lip readable) 1 modify tag Oh, my _____. x 2 delete
4m 17.30s - 4m 19.43s (overlaps with tag starting at 4m 13.81s) 0m 02.13s mute profanity deity exclamation 1 modify tag Oh, my _____. Oh, my _____. delete
4m 38.01s - 5m 39.19s (overlaps with tag starting at 5m 02.40s) 1m 01.18s skip (disabled) movie-content initial theme song 1 modify tag theme intro delete
5m 02.40s - 5m 04.60s (overlaps with tag starting at 4m 38.01s) 0m 02.20s yes_audio_no_video violence explosion death not OK age 3 and under 1 modify tag cockpit explodes, man blown into outer space delete
5m 21.60s - 5m 22.56s (overlaps with tag starting at 4m 38.01s) 0m 00.96s yes_audio_no_video substance-abuse smoking not OK age 6 and under 1 modify tag big puff out of cigarette smoke delete
5m 23.06s - 5m 24.01s (overlaps with tag starting at 4m 38.01s) 0m 00.95s skip physical swimsuit lewdness level: 3 (out of ??) 4 modify tag bare shoulders with wet hair delete
5m 32.40s - 5m 33.10s (overlaps with tag starting at 4m 38.01s) 0m 00.70s yes_audio_no_video physical kissing lewdness level: 3 (out of ??) 2 modify tag quick firm kiss delete
5m 33.15s - 5m 33.68s (overlaps with tag starting at 4m 38.01s) 0m 00.53s yes_audio_no_video physical nudity posterior female lewdness level: 8 (out of ??) 1 modify tag naked backside of lady delete
5m 34.39s - 5m 35.10s (overlaps with tag starting at 4m 38.01s) 0m 00.71s yes_audio_no_video physical kissing lewdness level: 4 (out of ??) 1 modify tag woman touches nose of man seductively. delete
5m 47.40s - 5m 49.52s (overlaps with tag starting at 5m 49.40s) 0m 02.12s mute profanity h word 1 modify tag Where the _h..._ is it? delete
5m 49.40s - 5m 51.96s (overlaps with tag starting at 5m 47.40s) 0m 02.56s mute profanity d word 1 modify tag _d..._ed son of a... sash. delete
5m 55.52s - 5m 56.57s 0m 01.05s mute profanity h word 1 modify tag h... under breath delete
6m 39.70s - 6m 40.63s 0m 00.93s skip suspense frightening/startling scene/event not OK age 3 and under 4 modify tag scary flashback delete
11m 06.84s - 11m 09.71s 0m 02.87s mute profanity personal insult mild 1 modify tag He thinks I'm a total __idiot__, doesn't he? delete
16m 34.32s - 16m 36.65s 0m 02.33s yes_audio_no_video substance-abuse smoking not OK age 3 and under 1 modify tag cigarette smoke wafts into air delete
19m 38.43s - 19m 39.25s 0m 00.82s mute profanity euphemized profanities 1 modify tag frack delete
20m 10.50s - 20m 14.30s 0m 03.80s yes_audio_no_video physical tight clothing lewdness level: 3 (out of ??) 1 modify tag tight pants delete
22m 58.76s - 23m 00.53s (overlaps with tag starting at 23m 00.27s) 0m 01.77s mute physical sexual reference lewdness level: 4 (out of ??) 4 modify tag if you show me yours I'll show you mine delete
23m 00.27s - 23m 03.33s (overlaps with tag starting at 22m 58.76s) 0m 03.06s yes_audio_no_video physical nudity posterior female lewdness level: 3 (out of ??) 4 modify tag see her in a hot tub delete
23m 04.19s - 23m 20.05s 0m 15.86s skip physical nudity posterior female lewdness level: 8 (out of ??) 2 modify tag see her in a hot tub, she leaves it and you see her bare back. delete
23m 20.05s - 23m 22.35s 0m 02.30s yes_audio_no_video physical revealing clothing lewdness level: 3 (out of ??) 1 modify tag robe, top of back visible delete
24m 28.47s - 24m 37.99s 0m 09.52s yes_audio_no_video physical revealing cleavage lewdness level: 11 (out of ??) 4 modify tag cleavage dress delete
24m 41.25s - 24m 45.10s 0m 03.85s yes_audio_no_video physical revealing cleavage lewdness level: 10 (out of ??) 1 modify tag upper bodice, not real cleavage delete
27m 11.70s - 27m 21.10s 0m 09.40s yes_audio_no_video physical revealing cleavage lewdness level: 3 (out of ??) 4 modify tag revealing dress, not too bad (could be split) delete
27m 26.00s - 27m 28.11s 0m 02.11s yes_audio_no_video physical revealing cleavage lewdness level: 11 (out of ??) 4 modify tag very low cut shirt delete
27m 40.80s - 27m 41.50s 0m 00.70s yes_audio_no_video physical revealing cleavage lewdness level: 11 (out of ??) 1 modify tag very low cut shirt delete
27m 42.62s - 27m 44.20s 0m 01.58s yes_audio_no_video physical revealing cleavage lewdness level: 11 (out of ??) 4 modify tag very low cut shirt delete
30m 03.00s - 30m 14.48s 0m 11.48s yes_audio_no_video physical revealing cleavage lewdness level: 4 (out of ??) 4 modify tag very low cut shirt (could be split) delete
30m 27.13s - 30m 30.15s 0m 03.02s yes_audio_no_video physical revealing cleavage lewdness level: 3 (out of ??) 1 modify tag low cut shirt, not too bad delete
30m 47.61s - 30m 51.04s 0m 03.43s yes_audio_no_video physical revealing cleavage lewdness level: 3 (out of ??) 1 modify tag low cut shirt almost visible delete
31m 07.65s - 31m 11.70s 0m 04.05s yes_audio_no_video physical revealing cleavage lewdness level: 10 (out of ??) 1 modify tag low cut shirt delete
32m 02.03s - 32m 10.59s 0m 08.56s skip substance-abuse smoking not OK age 9 and under 4 modify tag smoke cigar delete
32m 23.68s - 32m 25.83s 0m 02.15s yes_audio_no_video substance-abuse smoking not OK age 6 and under 1 modify tag smoke cigar delete
36m 29.05s - 36m 34.47s 0m 05.42s skip substance-abuse drug injection not OK age 12 and under 1 modify tag injection to neck delete
37m 06.27s - 37m 08.97s 0m 02.70s mute profanity h word 1 modify tag flew back into this _h..._..le. delete
41m 46.20s - 41m 53.81s 0m 07.61s skip physical kissing lewdness level: 6 (out of ??) 4 modify tag passionate kissing delete
Feedback on edits for this movie click here.
SynopsisBattlestar Galactica looses most of it's water supply.
Editing status most recent passmost recent pass added or modified at least some edits (may have groomed some as well)
Num passes done1
Total movie time43m 42.02s
Download Count3
Added to our system2019-08-30 15:55:35 UTC


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