Our editing details for
[The Slipper and the Rose ]

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Our Details:

Things we found in this movie:
verbal: 11, clothing/kissing etc: 26

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Tags for this movie

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start - end duration    default action category subcategory age impact to story modify details delete
5m 44.08s - 5m 45.00s 0m 00.92s mute profanity deity religious context 1 modify tag I'm not "J" delete
9m 05.60s - 9m 06.21s 0m 00.61s skip profanity h word 1 modify tag heck of a delete
12m 31.62s - 12m 32.90s 0m 01.28s mute profanity deity exclamation mild 1 modify tag oh "L" delete
20m 37.90s - 20m 38.85s 0m 00.95s skip profanity deity expletive 1 modify tag 'G' knows delete
35m 00.21s - 35m 01.11s 0m 00.90s skip profanity personal insult mild 1 modify tag idiots delete
48m 11.62s - 48m 15.97s 0m 04.35s skip profanity profanity (other) 2 modify tag talking about dancing with women, perhaps innapropriately. delete
51m 02.80s - 51m 05.18s 0m 02.38s skip violence stabbing/shooting no blood not OK age 3 and under 2 modify tag comedically gets shot by arrow and falls out of saddle. delete
53m 36.27s - 53m 37.37s 0m 01.10s skip profanity personal insult mild 1 modify tag ridiculous man delete
54m 08.15s - 54m 11.17s 0m 03.02s skip profanity personal insult mild 1 modify tag idiot delete
1h 1m 42.04s - 1h 1m 50.20s 0m 08.16s skip physical revealing cleavage lewdness level: 4 (out of ??) 1 modify tag looking down her dress as she wakes up delete
1h 7m 17.69s - 1h 7m 20.95s 0m 03.26s yes_audio_no_video physical revealing cleavage lewdness level: 3 (out of ??) 1 modify tag ball gown delete
1h 7m 26.27s - 1h 7m 28.46s 0m 02.19s yes_audio_no_video physical revealing cleavage lewdness level: 3 (out of ??) 1 modify tag ball gown delete
1h 7m 40.74s - 1h 7m 46.66s 0m 05.92s yes_audio_no_video physical revealing cleavage lewdness level: 3 (out of ??) 1 modify tag ball gown delete
1h 7m 52.83s - 1h 7m 55.74s 0m 02.91s yes_audio_no_video physical revealing cleavage lewdness level: 10 (out of ??) 1 modify tag ball gown delete
1h 7m 57.92s - 1h 7m 59.62s 0m 01.70s yes_audio_no_video physical revealing cleavage lewdness level: 3 (out of ??) 1 modify tag ball gown delete
1h 8m 33.70s - 1h 8m 45.20s 0m 11.50s yes_audio_no_video physical revealing cleavage lewdness level: 3 (out of ??) 4 modify tag ball gown delete
1h 14m 41.72s - 1h 14m 45.35s 0m 03.63s yes_audio_no_video physical revealing cleavage lewdness level: 4 (out of ??) 1 modify tag ball gown delete
1h 15m 58.33s - 1h 16m 01.48s 0m 03.15s yes_audio_no_video physical revealing cleavage lewdness level: 3 (out of ??) 1 modify tag ball gown delete
1h 16m 15.94s - 1h 16m 18.93s 0m 02.99s yes_audio_no_video physical revealing cleavage lewdness level: 10 (out of ??) 1 modify tag ball gown delete
1h 16m 30.39s - 1h 16m 32.59s 0m 02.20s yes_audio_no_video physical revealing cleavage lewdness level: 3 (out of ??) 1 modify tag ball gown delete
1h 16m 41.01s - 1h 16m 44.47s 0m 03.46s yes_audio_no_video physical revealing cleavage lewdness level: 10 (out of ??) 2 modify tag ball gown delete
1h 22m 55.08s - 1h 22m 58.75s 0m 03.67s yes_audio_no_video physical revealing cleavage lewdness level: 3 (out of ??) 1 modify tag ball gown delete
1h 25m 03.76s - 1h 25m 21.52s 0m 17.76s yes_audio_no_video physical revealing cleavage lewdness level: 10 (out of ??) 4 modify tag ball gown delete
1h 26m 03.85s - 1h 26m 10.37s 0m 06.52s skip physical kissing lewdness level: 3 (out of ??) 5 modify tag gentle kiss delete
1h 27m 10.19s - 1h 27m 11.98s 0m 01.79s skip physical revealing cleavage lewdness level: 3 (out of ??) 4 modify tag dress delete
1h 27m 12.25s - 1h 27m 13.49s 0m 01.24s yes_audio_no_video physical revealing cleavage lewdness level: 10 (out of ??) 1 modify tag dress delete
1h 27m 24.08s - 1h 27m 25.53s 0m 01.45s yes_audio_no_video physical revealing cleavage lewdness level: 10 (out of ??) 1 modify tag dress delete
1h 36m 09.49s - 1h 36m 17.14s 0m 07.65s yes_audio_no_video physical revealing cleavage lewdness level: 6 (out of ??) 2 modify tag lady tryingon shoe delete
1h 36m 24.26s - 1h 36m 24.84s 0m 00.58s mute profanity deity religious context 1 modify tag "g" save the king delete
1h 43m 27.94s - 1h 43m 38.37s 0m 10.43s skip physical underwear lewdness level: 3 (out of ??) 1 modify tag dress comes up when she dances delete
1h 49m 52.30s - 1h 49m 59.43s 0m 07.13s skip physical kissing lewdness level: 4 (out of ??) 7 modify tag loving kiss delete
1h 50m 21.03s - 1h 50m 24.26s 0m 03.23s yes_audio_no_video physical kissing lewdness level: 10 (out of ??) 2 modify tag kissing in the dark, can't see it very well. delete
2h 8m 27.58s - 2h 8m 36.01s 0m 08.43s yes_audio_no_video physical revealing cleavage lewdness level: 10 (out of ??) 1 modify tag gown delete
2h 14m 34.86s - 2h 14m 42.46s 0m 07.60s skip physical kissing lewdness level: 3 (out of ??) 7 modify tag kissing delete
2h 16m 12.78s - 2h 16m 15.09s 0m 02.31s skip physical kissing lewdness level: 3 (out of ??) 5 modify tag kiss delete
2h 17m 39.00s - 2h 17m 45.37s 0m 06.37s skip profanity deity religious context 4 modify tag in the name of the......and of the..... wedding vows. delete
2h 17m 55.13s - 2h 17m 58.63s 0m 03.50s skip profanity deity religious context 5 modify tag in the name of the......and of the..... wedding vows. delete
2h 18m 21.02s - 2h 18m 23.17s 0m 02.15s skip physical kissing lewdness level: 3 (out of ??) 7 modify tag kiss at wedding delete
Feedback on edits for this movie click here.
SynopsisThe 1976 British filmed musical version of Cinderella, which makes the prince as interesting as Cinderella.
Editing status most recent passunedited/never edited
Why watch edited? we took out a few swear words.
Price to rent/purchaseRent: $2.99
Total movie time2h 22m 50.78s
Our local reviewVirtually unknown in the states due to distribution, This retelling of the classic tale has everything you love about Cinderella, plus an emphasis on more than one character. With music by the award winning duo that brought you the original Marry Poppins, you can't go wrong.
Wholesome_uplifting_level (out of 10)8
Wholesome reviewGreat for the whole family, though there are political situations that young children might not understand.
Download Count7
Added to our system2019-02-27 00:35:31 UTC


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