Our editing details for
[Youtube: Big Buck Bunny on youtube]

click here to watch Youtube: Big Buck Bunny on youtube (partially edited)

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Our Details:

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verbal: 4

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start - end duration    default action category subcategory age impact to story modify details delete
0m 04.78s - 0m 05.87s 0m 01.09s yes_audio_no_video profanity loud noise 1 modify tag demo can make it smaller Popup: some popup text delete
0m 08.32s - 0m 16.24s 0m 07.92s change_speed profanity loud noise not OK age 3 and under 1 modify tag can make it faster 2.0x delete
0m 19.73s - 0m 24.03s 0m 04.30s set_audio_volume profanity loud noise not OK age 3 and under 1 modify tag demo can make software 10% delete
0m 29.70s - 0m 32.10s 0m 02.40s pause_video profanity loud noise not OK age 3 and under 1 modify tag demo of pausing "in realtime" delete
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Editing status most recent passunedited/never edited
Price to rent/purchasefree (youtube)
Total movie time9m 57.00s
Download Count8
Added to our system2017-10-26 00:32:41 UTC


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