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Things we found in this movie:
verbal: 159, substance use: 11, clothing/kissing etc: 7, violence: 5

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Tags for this movie

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start - end duration    default action category subcategory age impact to story modify details delete
0m 06.08s - 0m 06.60s 0m 00.52s mute profanity derogatory slur 1 modify tag N..... delete
0m 12.63s - 0m 13.13s 0m 00.50s mute profanity derogatory slur 1 modify tag N..... delete
0m 19.12s - 0m 19.74s 0m 00.62s mute profanity derogatory slur 1 modify tag N..... delete
0m 25.52s - 0m 26.25s 0m 00.73s mute profanity derogatory slur 1 modify tag N..... delete
0m 35.33s - 0m 36.38s 0m 01.05s mute profanity derogatory slur 1 modify tag N..... delete
1m 26.82s - 1m 27.08s 0m 00.26s mute profanity derogatory slur 1 modify tag N..... delete
1m 33.08s - 1m 33.50s 0m 00.42s mute profanity derogatory slur 1 modify tag N..... delete
1m 38.71s - 1m 39.09s 0m 00.38s mute profanity f word 1 modify tag What the ______ I just told you? delete
1m 40.43s - 1m 40.74s 0m 00.31s mute profanity s word 1 modify tag Let me get this _s..._! delete
1m 40.75s - 1m 41.05s 0m 00.30s mute profanity derogatory slur 1 modify tag N..... delete
1m 41.19s - 1m 41.40s 0m 00.21s mute profanity f word 1 modify tag Get the ______ out of here, man. delete
1m 45.80s - 1m 46.10s 0m 00.30s mute profanity derogatory slur 1 modify tag N..... delete
1m 51.52s - 1m 53.77s 0m 02.25s yes_audio_no_video substance-abuse smoking 1 modify tag Cigarette delete
2m 01.35s - 2m 06.02s 0m 04.67s yes_audio_no_video substance-abuse smoking 1 modify tag Cigarette delete
2m 10.99s - 2m 20.27s 0m 09.28s yes_audio_no_video substance-abuse smoking 1 modify tag Cigarette delete
2m 21.62s - 2m 21.82s 0m 00.20s mute profanity a word 1 modify tag [boys] - Get him! - Get your _a.._ right here. delete
2m 24.62s - 2m 25.03s 0m 00.41s mute profanity a word 1 modify tag Goin' around with that _faggot_ _a.._ bro! delete
2m 27.17s - 2m 30.74s (overlaps with tag starting at 2m 29.33s) 0m 03.57s skip substance-abuse smoking 1 modify tag Cigarette delete
2m 29.33s - 2m 29.98s (overlaps with tag starting at 2m 27.17s) 0m 00.65s mute profanity a word 1 modify tag - Ain't gonna catch him! - Kick his _a.._ delete
2m 32.97s - 2m 38.33s 0m 05.36s skip profanity a word 1 modify tag - Run, then, nigga! - Get his gay _a.._ delete
2m 51.30s - 2m 51.97s 0m 00.67s mute profanity a word 1 modify tag that _faggot_ _a.._ delete
9m 09.10s - 9m 09.34s 0m 00.24s mute profanity d word 1 modify tag You don't talk much but you _d..._ sure can eat. delete
12m 16.14s - 12m 16.47s 0m 00.33s mute profanity d word 1 modify tag You a real _d..._ prize, Chiron, you know that? delete
15m 17.73s - 15m 18.12s 0m 00.39s mute profanity derogatory slur 1 modify tag N..... delete
23m 22.33s - 24m 18.90s (overlaps with tag starting at 23m 31.59s) 0m 56.57s skip physical physical (other) 1 modify tag Several young boys compare their penises (not shown; not sexual) delete
23m 31.59s - 23m 32.02s (overlaps with tag starting at 23m 22.33s) 0m 00.43s mute profanity h word 1 modify tag [Boy 2] Yours ugly as _h..._ delete
23m 38.22s - 23m 38.52s (overlaps with tag starting at 23m 22.33s) 0m 00.30s mute profanity a word 1 modify tag [Boy 1] Who let his _a.._ in? delete
26m 29.11s - 26m 29.74s 0m 00.63s mute profanity s word 1 modify tag [Man] Nigga, this _s..._ look more like Grade C. delete
26m 37.72s - 26m 45.52s 0m 07.80s yes_audio_no_video substance-abuse smoking 1 modify tag Cigarette delete
26m 47.01s - 26m 47.31s 0m 00.30s mute profanity s word 1 modify tag Thought you was on vacation or some _s..._. delete
26m 52.10s - 26m 52.50s 0m 00.40s mute profanity s word 1 modify tag Going to Switzerland or some _s..._. delete
26m 55.21s - 26m 56.41s 0m 01.20s mute profanity personal insult harsh 1 modify tag Maybe Brazil, you know, with two bad _b...._es. delete
27m 12.11s - 27m 12.72s 0m 00.61s mute profanity h word 1 modify tag _h..._ no, you know I ain't gonna let that go down. delete
27m 15.92s - 27m 16.15s 0m 00.23s mute profanity derogatory slur 1 modify tag N..... delete
27m 17.73s - 27m 18.16s 0m 00.43s mute profanity h word 1 modify tag - _h..._ no. - The f-- delete
27m 22.64s - 27m 23.27s 0m 00.63s mute profanity f word 1 modify tag The ______, man. delete
27m 35.82s - 27m 37.71s 0m 01.89s yes_audio_no_video substance-abuse smoking 1 modify tag Cigarette delete
27m 42.78s - 27m 42.98s 0m 00.20s mute profanity derogatory slur 1 modify tag N..... delete
27m 47.58s - 27m 47.90s 0m 00.32s mute profanity f word 1 modify tag - The ______ you doing? - It's all good, Juan. delete
27m 50.09s - 27m 50.30s 0m 00.21s mute profanity f word 1 modify tag ______. delete
27m 53.67s - 27m 53.99s 0m 00.32s mute profanity f word 1 modify tag - It's all good-- - Get out the ______ing car! delete
27m 55.13s - 27m 56.06s 0m 00.93s mute profanity f word 1 modify tag - Calm down, man. - Shut the ______ up. delete
27m 59.86s - 28m 00.18s 0m 00.32s mute profanity h word 1 modify tag Who the _h..._ you think you is? delete
28m 04.01s - 28m 04.25s 0m 00.24s mute profanity personal insult harsh 1 modify tag _b...._, delete
28m 05.03s - 28m 05.24s 0m 00.21s mute profanity f word 1 modify tag Get the ______ out of here. delete
28m 43.05s - 28m 46.09s 0m 03.04s skip substance-abuse smoking illegal 1 modify tag A woman smokes crack delete
28m 53.70s - 28m 54.74s 0m 01.04s mute profanity f word 1 modify tag Mother______er. delete
28m 58.20s - 28m 58.90s 0m 00.70s mute profanity s word 1 modify tag Don't give me that "You gotta get it from somewhere" _s..._, nigga. delete
29m 12.15s - 29m 12.47s 0m 00.32s mute profanity d word 1 modify tag You watch your _d..._ mouth. delete
29m 16.48s - 29m 16.78s 0m 00.30s mute profanity a word 1 modify tag You gon' tell him why the other boys kick his _a.._ all the time? delete
29m 27.77s - 29m 28.47s 0m 00.70s mute profanity s word 1 modify tag You ain't _s..._. delete
29m 52.00s - 29m 52.21s 0m 00.21s mute profanity f word 1 modify tag The ______ y'all lookin' at? delete
32m 58.21s - 32m 58.71s 0m 00.50s mute profanity h word 1 modify tag I miss her like _h..._ now though. delete
33m 27.28s - 33m 27.88s 0m 00.60s mute profanity derogatory slur 1 modify tag What's a _faggot_ delete
33m 39.46s - 33m 39.87s 0m 00.41s mute profanity derogatory slur 1 modify tag A _faggot_ is... delete
33m 56.90s - 33m 57.55s 0m 00.65s mute profanity derogatory slur 1 modify tag - Am I a _faggot_ - No. delete
34m 04.10s - 34m 04.77s 0m 00.67s mute profanity derogatory slur 1 modify tag You can be gay, but you gotta let nobody call you no _faggot_ delete
36m 26.92s - 36m 27.21s 0m 00.29s mute profanity derogatory slur 1 modify tag N..... delete
36m 44.69s - 36m 45.09s 0m 00.40s mute profanity f word 1 modify tag Hey, what you gonna do, Chiron? I'll ______ you up. delete
37m 16.82s - 37m 17.22s 0m 00.40s mute profanity a word 1 modify tag Im'ma be waitin' for your _a.._ Little. delete
37m 45.15s - 37m 45.68s 0m 00.53s mute profanity d word 1 modify tag _d..._, nigga. You straight spaced, dawg. delete
37m 56.40s - 37m 56.71s 0m 00.31s mute physical sexual reference 1 modify tag Aimes caught me with this trick in the stairway. delete
37m 57.76s - 37m 58.14s 0m 00.38s mute profanity d word 1 modify tag - _d..._. - Yeah. delete
38m 01.20s - 38m 01.46s 0m 00.26s mute profanity d word 1 modify tag _d..._, delete
38m 02.10s - 38m 02.52s 0m 00.42s mute profanity derogatory slur 1 modify tag you nosey, nigga. delete
38m 05.29s - 38m 22.48s 0m 17.19s skip physical sexual reference 1 modify tag A teen explicitly describes having sex (lots of profanity) delete
38m 24.61s - 38m 24.92s 0m 00.31s mute profanity s word 1 modify tag So Aimes come in, acted all five-O and _s..._, delete
38m 25.27s - 38m 25.62s 0m 00.35s mute profanity a word 1 modify tag almost had my _a.._ suspended, dawg. delete
42m 34.67s - 43m 19.91s 0m 45.24s skip physical explicit sex not OK age 15 and under 1 modify tag A teen dreams of seeing his friend have sex with a girl (no nudity but lots of moaning) Popup: He dreams of his friend having sex with a girl delete
45m 04.49s - 45m 04.78s 0m 00.29s mute profanity s word 1 modify tag Don't you ask me no _s..._ like that. delete
45m 12.02s - 45m 12.34s 0m 00.32s mute profanity personal insult harsh 1 modify tag That _b...._ over there ain't no kin of you. delete
45m 39.87s - 45m 40.06s 0m 00.19s mute profanity d word 1 modify tag Give me that _d..._ money, Chiron. delete
45m 41.91s - 45m 42.22s 0m 00.31s mute profanity d word 1 modify tag Give me the _d..._ money! delete
45m 43.55s - 45m 43.87s 0m 00.32s mute profanity d word 1 modify tag Give me the _d..._ money! delete
45m 47.73s - 45m 48.02s 0m 00.29s mute profanity d word 1 modify tag - Mama, come on-- - Give me the _d..._ money! delete
45m 49.55s - 45m 49.75s 0m 00.20s mute profanity d word 1 modify tag - Mama, come on-- - Give me the _d..._ money! delete
45m 52.03s - 45m 52.23s 0m 00.20s mute profanity d word 1 modify tag Give me the _d..._ money. delete
46m 02.70s - 46m 04.71s 0m 02.01s skip profanity personal insult harsh 1 modify tag I know that _b...._ like a hooker know her trick. delete
46m 06.71s - 46m 07.02s 0m 00.31s mute profanity personal insult harsh 1 modify tag And tell that _b...._ she better not forget it. delete
46m 55.40s - 46m 56.46s 0m 01.06s mute profanity f word 1 modify tag _f..._ delete
47m 03.61s - 47m 04.25s 0m 00.64s mute profanity derogatory slur 1 modify tag You live over there, nigga delete
47m 09.82s - 47m 10.19s 0m 00.37s mute profanity h word 1 modify tag Oh yeah. She fine as _h..._ delete
47m 12.80s - 47m 20.79s 0m 07.99s skip profanity h word 1 modify tag _h..._ she give free head? _h..._ Paula getting cheap though. Talkin' like a rock can get your rock _suck_ed! delete
47m 25.01s - 47m 25.43s 0m 00.42s mute profanity s word 1 modify tag Now I ain't with that gay _s..._, delete
47m 26.35s - 47m 26.71s 0m 00.36s mute profanity f word 1 modify tag but if you ______ with me delete
47m 27.68s - 47m 27.98s 0m 00.30s mute profanity a word 1 modify tag I'll give your _a.._ more than you can handle. delete
47m 29.89s - 47m 30.18s 0m 00.29s mute profanity a word 1 modify tag Have you runnin' to your crackhead _a.._ mama. delete
47m 30.76s - 47m 32.65s 0m 01.89s mute profanity f word 1 modify tag My nigga! - ______ y'all niggas! - What'd you say?! delete
47m 35.06s - 47m 35.26s 0m 00.20s mute profanity s word 1 modify tag Say that _s..._ again dog, I swear. delete
47m 42.44s - 47m 42.84s 0m 00.40s mute profanity a word 1 modify tag A'ight, you better stay your _a.._ right there delete
47m 49.24s - 47m 49.48s 0m 00.24s mute profanity derogatory slur 1 modify tag Yo, Pizzo, you see these nigga's jeans be? delete
47m 50.52s - 47m 51.30s 0m 00.78s mute profanity s word 1 modify tag You see that _s..._? delete
47m 57.15s - 47m 57.39s 0m 00.24s mute profanity a word 1 modify tag See your _a.._ later. delete
49m 56.02s - 49m 56.45s 0m 00.43s mute profanity derogatory slur 1 modify tag This is my smoker habitat, nigga delete
50m 33.37s - 50m 34.18s 0m 00.81s mute profanity derogatory slur 1 modify tag about to put you onto this blunt [marijuana reference], nigga delete
50m 51.53s - 50m 54.01s 0m 02.48s yes_audio_no_video substance-abuse smoking illegal 1 modify tag A teen smokes marijuana delete
51m 05.26s - 51m 05.47s 0m 00.21s mute profanity derogatory slur 1 modify tag Come on, nigga delete
51m 13.07s - 51m 17.37s 0m 04.30s yes_audio_no_video substance-abuse smoking illegal 1 modify tag A teen smokes marijuana delete
51m 36.64s - 51m 36.85s (overlaps with tag starting at 51m 36.68s) 0m 00.21s mute profanity d word 1 modify tag _d..._, I didn't know you smoked like that. delete
51m 36.68s - 51m 40.43s (overlaps with tag starting at 51m 36.64s) 0m 03.75s yes_audio_no_video substance-abuse smoking illegal 1 modify tag A teen smokes marijuana delete
51m 42.37s - 51m 42.61s 0m 00.24s mute profanity s word 1 modify tag My mom leaves all types of _s..._ around. delete
51m 51.87s - 51m 54.31s 0m 02.44s yes_audio_no_video substance-abuse smoking illegal 1 modify tag A teen smokes marijuana delete
52m 03.66s - 52m 03.98s 0m 00.32s mute profanity h word 1 modify tag That breeze feel good as _h..._ man. delete
52m 42.66s - 52m 43.73s 0m 01.07s skip profanity s word 1 modify tag _h..._ _s..._ make you wanna cry, feel so good. delete
53m 06.64s - 53m 06.94s 0m 00.30s mute profanity s word 1 modify tag _s..._, I cry so much sometimes delete
53m 21.76s - 53m 22.28s 0m 00.52s mute profanity f word 1 modify tag Roll out into the water like all these other mother______ers delete
53m 30.06s - 53m 30.46s 0m 00.40s mute profanity derogatory slur 1 modify tag I'm just listening to you, nigga delete
53m 57.09s - 53m 57.58s 0m 00.49s mute profanity d word 1 modify tag _d..._ dog... delete
54m 28.61s - 55m 26.80s 0m 58.19s skip physical homosexual behavior 1 modify tag Two male teens kiss on the lips and one masturbates the other (fully clothed; no nudity) delete
58m 50.30s - 58m 50.51s 0m 00.21s mute profanity derogatory slur 1 modify tag You know a nigga don't see school no more. delete
58m 55.46s - 58m 55.96s 0m 00.50s mute profanity s word 1 modify tag Lunch used to be the _s..._, though. delete
59m 03.41s - 59m 04.09s 0m 00.68s mute profanity s word 1 modify tag But that Friday pizza was the _s..._. delete
59m 14.79s - 59m 15.10s 0m 00.31s mute profanity a word 1 modify tag Yeah yo, my crazy _a.._ delete
59m 15.96s - 59m 16.38s 0m 00.42s mute profanity s word 1 modify tag was the king of that _s..._. delete
59m 18.51s - 59m 19.06s 0m 00.55s mute profanity f word 1 modify tag You remember that white kid you ______ed up? delete
59m 23.72s - 59m 24.12s 0m 00.40s mute profanity f word 1 modify tag Oh yeah! Yo, you ______ed that kid's face up! delete
59m 26.49s - 59m 26.91s 0m 00.42s mute profanity s word 1 modify tag We was calling you Tyson after that _s..._. delete
59m 31.79s - 59m 32.07s 0m 00.28s mute profanity derogatory slur 1 modify tag ...niggas don't do that delete
59m 32.50s - 59m 32.80s 0m 00.30s mute profanity s word 1 modify tag don't do that _s..._ no more. delete
59m 42.95s - 59m 43.25s 0m 00.30s mute profanity derogatory slur 1 modify tag If I point a nigga out delete
59m 45.33s - 59m 45.63s 0m 00.30s mute profanity a word 1 modify tag ...is you gonna knock his _a.._ down? delete
59m 59.74s - 1h 0m 00.04s 0m 00.30s mute profanity a word 1 modify tag Let me see who _a.._ gettin' dropped today. delete
1h 0m 04.50s - 1h 0m 04.65s 0m 00.15s mute profanity s word 1 modify tag _s..._'ll kill you. delete
1h 1m 00.45s - 1h 1m 00.80s 0m 00.35s mute profanity derogatory slur 1 modify tag Hit that nigga delete
1h 1m 02.78s - 1h 1m 03.07s 0m 00.29s mute profanity derogatory slur 1 modify tag Hit that nigga, Kev delete
1h 1m 04.70s - 1h 1m 05.62s 0m 00.92s mute profanity a word 1 modify tag Yeah, hit his _faggot_ _a.._ delete
1h 1m 06.78s - 1h 1m 07.12s 0m 00.34s mute profanity f word 1 modify tag The ______ you waitin' on? Do it! Come on. delete
1h 1m 16.23s - 1h 1m 17.00s 0m 00.77s yes_audio_no_video violence light fight not OK age 9 and under 1 modify tag A teen punches another teen delete
1h 1m 28.46s - 1h 1m 30.09s 0m 01.63s yes_audio_no_video violence light fight not OK age 9 and under 1 modify tag A teen punches another teen delete
1h 1m 35.40s - 1h 1m 36.02s 0m 00.62s mute profanity a word 1 modify tag Yeah if he get back up, knock his _faggot_ _a.._ back down. delete
1h 1m 48.28s - 1h 1m 49.51s 0m 01.23s yes_audio_no_video violence light fight not OK age 9 and under 1 modify tag A teen punches another teen delete
1h 1m 51.10s - 1h 1m 59.20s 0m 08.10s skip violence sustained fight not OK age 9 and under 1 modify tag Several teens stomp another teen delete
1h 2m 40.97s - 1h 2m 41.40s 0m 00.43s mute profanity h word 1 modify tag - I ain't no boy. - The _h..._ you ain't. delete
1h 5m 05.29s - 1h 5m 10.08s 0m 04.79s skip violence sustained fight not OK age 12 and under 4 modify tag A teen smashes a chair on another teen and hits him again with the broken pieces delete
1h 5m 12.04s - 1h 5m 14.45s 0m 02.41s mute profanity f word 1 modify tag Get the ______ off me, niggas! delete
1h 5m 20.43s - 1h 5m 21.52s 0m 01.09s mute profanity f word 1 modify tag Get the ______ off me! delete
1h 7m 45.63s - 1h 7m 45.87s 0m 00.24s mute physical sexual reference 1 modify tag Where the hos at? delete
1h 7m 49.12s - 1h 7m 49.25s 0m 00.13s mute profanity derogatory slur 1 modify tag Nigga, you smiling delete
1h 7m 49.83s - 1h 7m 50.13s 0m 00.30s mute profanity s word 1 modify tag and _s..._ delete
1h 7m 50.51s - 1h 7m 52.36s 0m 01.85s mute profanity f word 1 modify tag like you don't know what the ______ I'm talking about. Where the hos at, nigga? delete
1h 7m 55.95s - 1h 7m 56.17s 0m 00.22s mute profanity personal insult harsh 1 modify tag There's this _b...._ that stay down the corner. delete
1h 8m 04.01s - 1h 8m 04.26s 0m 00.25s mute profanity personal insult harsh 1 modify tag I ain't never seen you with no _b...._, I don't believe you. delete
1h 9m 18.20s - 1h 9m 18.44s 0m 00.24s mute profanity s word 1 modify tag If it's all there then count that _s..._ then, Trav. delete
1h 9m 45.95s - 1h 9m 46.24s 0m 00.29s mute profanity f word 1 modify tag Give me my ______ing money. delete
1h 10m 11.75s - 1h 10m 12.04s 0m 00.29s mute profanity f word 1 modify tag I'm just ______ing with you. delete
1h 10m 28.06s - 1h 10m 28.71s 0m 00.65s mute profanity f word 1 modify tag if you can't take a nigga just ______in' with you, you feel me? delete
1h 13m 05.57s - 1h 13m 05.88s 0m 00.31s mute profanity s word 1 modify tag All that... _s..._ what went down... Chiron. delete
1h 13m 08.76s - 1h 13m 08.97s 0m 00.21s mute profanity s word 1 modify tag Real _s..._, dawg, I am. delete
1h 13m 58.88s - 1h 13m 59.20s 0m 00.32s mute profanity s word 1 modify tag Man, I got sent up for some stupid _s..._- delete
1h 14m 00.20s - 1h 14m 00.41s 0m 00.21s mute profanity s word 1 modify tag the same stupid _s..._ we always get sent up for. delete
1h 15m 25.16s - 1h 16m 28.86s 1m 03.70s skip physical sexually charged scene 1 modify tag A man has an erotic dream about another man (fully clothed and no sexual activity) and wakes to find he has had a nocturnal emission delete
1h 18m 15.01s - 1h 18m 15.26s 0m 00.25s mute profanity h word 1 modify tag Didn't come all the way the _h..._ to Georgia delete
1h 18m 17.06s - 1h 18m 17.39s 0m 00.33s mute profanity s word 1 modify tag to have you fallin' in the same _s..._, Chiron. - Im'ma go. Im'ma go-- delete
1h 18m 47.68s - 1h 18m 47.99s 0m 00.31s mute profanity f word 1 modify tag I ______ed it all the way up. delete
1h 19m 18.83s - 1h 19m 19.17s 0m 00.34s mute profanity deity exclamation mild 1 modify tag _...._ knows I did not have love for you when you needed it, delete
1h 24m 42.97s - 1h 24m 43.43s 0m 00.46s mute profanity d word 1 modify tag _d..._ man, why you ain't say nothin'? delete
1h 25m 01.19s - 1h 25m 01.43s 0m 00.24s mute profanity d word 1 modify tag _d..._, man,what-- delete
1h 25m 16.70s - 1h 25m 16.99s 0m 00.29s mute profanity d word 1 modify tag There go that _d..._ noddin' again, man, delete
1h 25m 19.39s - 1h 25m 19.82s 0m 00.43s mute profanity d word 1 modify tag you ain't-you ain't changed one _d..._ bit. delete
1h 25m 33.15s - 1h 25m 33.40s 0m 00.25s mute profanity a word 1 modify tag Don't look like your _a.._ been missing no meals. delete
1h 28m 00.69s - 1h 28m 01.01s 0m 00.32s mute profanity derogatory slur 1 modify tag Nigga, I ain't seen you in like a decade delete
1h 28m 39.01s - 1h 28m 39.43s 0m 00.42s mute profanity d word 1 modify tag _d..._, bro, I thought you said you didn't drink... delete
1h 29m 57.24s - 1h 29m 57.45s 0m 00.21s mute profanity a word 1 modify tag Fine _a.._ Samantha. delete
1h 30m 27.02s - 1h 30m 27.23s 0m 00.21s mute profanity s word 1 modify tag Man, when I got locked up, man, that _s..._ was hard. delete
1h 30m 54.75s - 1h 30m 55.24s 0m 00.49s mute profanity derogatory slur 1 modify tag Nigga delete
1h 31m 09.65s - 1h 31m 09.95s 0m 00.30s mute profanity a word 1 modify tag and cooked for your _a.._ and everything, man, hey, delete
1h 31m 15.28s - 1h 31m 15.63s 0m 00.35s mute profanity a word 1 modify tag Your _a.._ eat... delete
1h 31m 16.13s - 1h 31m 16.38s 0m 00.25s mute profanity a word 1 modify tag ...your _a.._ speak. delete
1h 31m 26.71s - 1h 31m 26.85s 0m 00.14s mute profanity derogatory slur 1 modify tag Nigga delete
1h 31m 59.51s - 1h 31m 59.93s 0m 00.42s mute profanity s word 1 modify tag Bull_s..._, man. delete
1h 32m 09.05s - 1h 32m 09.35s 0m 00.30s mute profanity derogatory slur 1 modify tag Nigga delete
1h 33m 07.38s - 1h 33m 07.70s 0m 00.32s mute profanity d word 1 modify tag Why you got them _d..._ fronts, man? delete
1h 37m 42.69s - 1h 37m 42.86s 0m 00.17s mute profanity derogatory slur 1 modify tag Nigga delete
1h 37m 58.60s - 1h 37m 58.92s 0m 00.32s mute profanity a word 1 modify tag Can't have yo _a.._ on no Jitney. delete
1h 39m 45.04s - 1h 39m 45.35s 0m 00.31s mute profanity s word 1 modify tag Watch that _s..._. - I got you. delete
1h 40m 52.98s - 1h 40m 53.23s 0m 00.25s mute profanity s word 1 modify tag I won't be drinking that _s..._ either, man. delete
1h 41m 31.66s - 1h 41m 32.08s 0m 00.42s mute profanity derogatory slur 1 modify tag Nigga delete
1h 43m 08.73s - 1h 43m 09.03s 0m 00.30s mute profanity s word 1 modify tag I wasn't never really worth _s..._. delete
1h 43m 46.65s - 1h 43m 47.00s 0m 00.35s mute profanity s word 1 modify tag That's some real _s..._, man. delete
1h 43m 59.13s - 1h 43m 59.43s 0m 00.30s mute profanity h word 1 modify tag Like, I'm tired as _h..._ right now, man, delete
1h 44m 11.24s - 1h 44m 11.64s 0m 00.40s mute profanity s word 1 modify tag That's that real _s..._. delete
1h 44m 14.55s - 1h 44m 15.14s 0m 00.59s mute profanity s word 1 modify tag That's that Bob Marley _s..._, nigga. delete
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Alternate URLhttps://www.amazon.com/Moonlight-Mahershala-Ali/dp/B01MU9CMGJ
SynopsisChiron faces all the struggles of growing up in a rough neighborhood, a mother who is addicted to drugs, and understanding his own homosexuality.
prime?amazon prime
Editing status most recent passmost recent pass added or modified at least some edits (may have groomed some as well)
Num passes done2
Why watch edited?A young man's struggle with homosexuality is a major theme of this movie, so, even edited, it's may not be appropriate for children. Some scenes of a shirtless male (non-sexual), mild violence, mild homosexual behavior, and substance use (cigarette smoking) remain.
Price to rent/purchasefree (with Prime), Rent: $3.99/$4.99 Buy: $12.99/$14.99
Total movie time1h 50m 55.62s
Good movie rating (out of 10)8
Original MPAA RatingR
Download Count6
Added to our system2017-10-25 10:51:44 UTC


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