Our editing details for
[A Trip to the Moon (Color Restored)]

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Our Details:

Things we found in this movie:
violence: 11, clothing/kissing etc: 2, credits/other: 2

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Tags for this movie

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start - end duration    default action category subcategory age impact to story modify details delete
0m 00.90s - 0m 54.70s 0m 53.80s skip (disabled) movie-content initial theme song 1 modify tag Opening credits/movie info delete
2m 28.73s - 2m 32.82s 0m 04.09s skip violence comedic fight not OK age 9 and under 1 modify tag Light anger/Throwing papers around delete
5m 16.54s - 5m 52.97s 0m 36.43s skip physical revealing clothing 2 modify tag tight pants delete
9m 14.11s - 9m 32.61s 0m 18.50s skip physical revealing clothing not OK age 12 and under 1 modify tag Scantily clad muse type women in the mans dreams delete
10m 45.27s - 11m 02.84s (overlaps with tag starting at 11m 00.42s) 0m 17.57s mute violence light fight not OK age 12 and under 1 modify tag Scary man (creature) Appears, the men fight and kill it delete
11m 00.42s - 11m 00.71s (overlaps with tag starting at 10m 45.27s) 0m 00.29s skip violence non human killing not OK age 6 and under 4 modify tag hit kills alien delete
11m 04.60s - 11m 10.34s (overlaps with tag starting at 11m 08.62s) 0m 05.74s mute violence light fight not OK age 12 and under 1 modify tag men fighting the creature on the moon delete
11m 08.62s - 11m 08.99s (overlaps with tag starting at 11m 04.60s) 0m 00.37s skip violence non human killing not OK age 6 and under 4 modify tag hits kills alien delete
11m 14.46s - 12m 00.46s (overlaps with tag starting at 11m 48.92s) 0m 46.00s mute violence light fight not OK age 12 and under 1 modify tag Men fighting with scary creatures, are taken captive and they fight back delete
11m 48.92s - 11m 49.99s (overlaps with tag starting at 11m 14.46s) 0m 01.07s skip violence non human killing not OK age 6 and under 4 modify tag slam dunk kills alien delete
12m 02.94s - 12m 08.30s 0m 05.36s mute violence light fight not OK age 9 and under 1 modify tag Continuous fighting with scary creatures on the moon delete
12m 08.55s - 12m 15.43s 0m 06.88s skip violence light fight not OK age 9 and under 1 modify tag Light fighting with the creatures on the moon delete
12m 26.61s - 12m 32.03s 0m 05.42s mute violence light fight not OK age 9 and under 1 modify tag Continued fighting with moon creatures delete
12m 48.28s - 13m 00.28s 0m 12.00s skip violence threatening actions not OK age 9 and under 1 modify tag Light threatening/scary actions of the moon creatures delete
14m 56.08s - 15m 00.00s 0m 03.92s skip (disabled) movie-content closing credits 1 modify tag Ending credits delete
Feedback on edits for this movie click here.
SynopsisA tale of a group of high class men who get into a rocket and take a trip to the moon. This is a story of their wanderings and findings once they arrive, and their fight for survival as they try to return to Earth safely.
prime?amazon prime
Editing status most recent passmost recent pass added or modified at least some edits (may have groomed some as well)
Num passes done2
Price to rent/purchasefree (with Prime)
Total movie time15m 34.49s
Good movie rating (out of 10)3
Our local reviewI did not find this short film to be terribly entertaining. It was more humorous to me, and interesting to see how short films were made a long time ago.
Wholesome_uplifting_level (out of 10)2
Wholesome reviewA little strange, a lot of fighting on the moon with the moon creatures.
Download Count5
Added to our system2017-05-25 19:08:30 UTC


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