Our editing details for
[Pride and Prejudice]

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Our Details:

Things we found in this movie:
verbal: 13, violence: 12, suspense: 2, clothing/kissing etc: 6, credits/other: 2

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Tags for this movie

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start - end duration    default action category subcategory age impact to story modify details delete
1m 26.07s - 1m 35.15s 0m 09.08s skip (disabled) movie-content initial theme song 1 modify tag Opening movie title and credits delete
6m 23.09s - 6m 23.69s 0m 00.60s mute profanity personal insult mild 1 modify tag Jerk delete
7m 00.42s - 7m 00.55s 0m 00.13s mute profanity bodily part reference mild 1 modify tag Butt delete
9m 20.10s - 9m 21.12s 0m 01.02s mute profanity personal insult mild 1 modify tag Idiots delete
12m 05.21s - 12m 05.61s 0m 00.40s mute profanity deity religious context 1 modify tag "God" used in religious context delete
12m 11.15s - 12m 11.45s 0m 00.30s mute profanity deity religious context 1 modify tag "God" Used in religious context delete
14m 56.34s - 14m 59.93s 0m 03.59s mute violence crudeness not OK age 9 and under 1 modify tag Spoken threat delete
17m 45.26s - 17m 54.17s 0m 08.91s mute (disabled) suspense frightening/startling scene/event not OK age 9 and under 1 modify tag Kitty is electrified after cutting electric cords delete
18m 40.64s - 18m 46.63s 0m 05.99s mute profanity personal insult mild not OK age 15 and under 1 modify tag Harsh insulting wording against women delete
21m 48.85s - 21m 56.18s 0m 07.33s mute profanity being mean not OK age 9 and under 1 modify tag Darcy saying rude/degrading things towards Mary delete
22m 20.10s - 22m 23.50s 0m 03.40s mute profanity being mean not OK age 9 and under 1 modify tag Person in crowd saying Mary "sucks" delete
25m 47.72s - 25m 48.65s 0m 00.93s mute profanity personal insult mild 1 modify tag Tramp delete
25m 58.49s - 25m 59.30s 0m 00.81s mute profanity personal attack mild 1 modify tag Shut up delete
26m 43.96s - 26m 45.86s 0m 01.90s skip violence light fight not OK age 9 and under 1 modify tag Kitty is hit in the head with a tennis ball delete
27m 07.44s - 27m 07.84s 0m 00.40s mute profanity personal insult mild not OK age 9 and under 1 modify tag Says the word "Freaks" delete
36m 40.01s - 36m 53.48s 0m 13.47s skip physical physical (other) not OK age 12 and under 1 modify tag Jack tries to put the moves on/tries to kiss Elizabeth delete
45m 32.28s - 46m 00.71s 0m 28.43s skip violence comedic fight not OK age 12 and under 1 modify tag Elizabeth imagines she throws a book and hits Collins in the head delete
47m 47.81s - 47m 48.32s 0m 00.51s mute profanity personal insult mild not OK age 9 and under 1 modify tag Elizabeth calls Charles an "idiot" delete
1h 0m 55.69s - 1h 1m 31.45s 0m 35.76s skip violence violence reference not OK age 15 and under 1 modify tag Imagined news story of Elizabeth and Jane dying delete
1h 5m 39.28s - 1h 5m 50.80s 0m 11.52s mute profanity crude humor 1 modify tag Describing feminine products, crude reference to womenly periods delete
1h 10m 58.76s - 1h 11m 07.29s 0m 08.53s skip physical kissing lewdness level: 6 (out of ??) 1 modify tag Short mild passionate kissing delete
1h 11m 13.94s - 1h 11m 16.53s 0m 02.59s skip physical kissing lewdness level: 3 (out of ??) 1 modify tag Short kiss delete
1h 12m 09.07s - 1h 12m 46.45s 0m 37.38s skip suspense frightening/startling scene/event not OK age 9 and under 1 modify tag "Scary" Dream Elizabeth has about being chased delete
1h 31m 01.82s - 1h 31m 12.32s 0m 10.50s skip violence light fight not OK age 12 and under 1 modify tag Light fighting/struggling delete
1h 31m 23.22s - 1h 31m 37.31s 0m 14.09s skip violence light fight not OK age 9 and under 1 modify tag Light fighting/struggling delete
1h 32m 26.12s - 1h 33m 42.14s 1m 16.02s skip (disabled) violence visible blood not OK age 9 and under 5 modify tag Visible blood on Darcys face delete
1h 34m 13.54s - 1h 34m 21.46s 0m 07.92s skip violence visible blood not OK age 6 and under 1 modify tag Visible blood on Darcys face delete
1h 35m 28.98s - 1h 35m 33.19s 0m 04.21s skip violence visible blood not OK age 6 and under 1 modify tag Visible blood on Darcys face delete
1h 35m 34.32s - 1h 35m 42.11s 0m 07.79s skip violence violence (other) not OK age 9 and under 1 modify tag Darcy tapped/hit by car delete
1h 35m 51.49s - 1h 36m 29.70s 0m 38.21s skip violence visible blood not OK age 9 and under 5 modify tag Visible blood Darcys face delete
1h 36m 31.56s - 1h 37m 02.27s 0m 30.71s skip physical kissing lewdness level: 6 (out of ??) not OK age 15 and under 1 modify tag Mildly passionate kissing scene delete
1h 37m 35.75s - 1h 37m 36.33s 0m 00.58s skip violence violence (other) not OK age 9 and under 1 modify tag Kitty hit in head with basketball delete
1h 37m 58.08s - 1h 38m 02.09s 0m 04.01s yes_audio_no_video physical kissing lewdness level: 3 (out of ??) not OK age 9 and under 1 modify tag Kiss on cheek delete
1h 40m 09.88s - 1h 40m 20.70s 0m 10.82s skip physical kissing lewdness level: 6 (out of ??) not OK age 9 and under 1 modify tag Passionate kissing delete
1h 40m 23.11s - 1h 43m 14.87s 2m 51.76s skip (disabled) movie-content closing credits 1 modify tag Closing credits/song delete
Feedback on edits for this movie click here.
Alternate URLhttps://www.amazon.com/Pride-Prejudice-Kam-Heskin/dp/B01M60WTCO
SynopsisA modern-day adaption of the classic book and movie, Pride and Prejudice. A condensed tale of love, laughter, and a little bit of drama within a group of five women.
prime?amazon prime
Editing status most recent passmost recent pass added or modified at least some edits (may have groomed some as well)
Num passes done2
Price to rent/purchasefree (with Prime), Rent: $0.99/$2.99 Buy: $5.99/$9.99
Total movie time1h 43m 23.52s
Good movie rating (out of 10)5
Our local reviewThis movie is an entertaining, though low budget, adaption of the classic movie. The characters are engaging and fun to watch, though not as easy to take seriously.
Wholesome_uplifting_level (out of 10)6
Wholesome reviewA good, fun, family flick. Very mild romance scenes,
Genreromantic comedy
Original MPAA RatingPG
Download Count6
Added to our system2017-05-16 20:27:31 UTC


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