Our editing details for
[The Girl who Leapt Through Time [English]]

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Things we found in this movie:
verbal: 10, clothing/kissing etc: 2

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Tags for this movie

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start - end duration    default action category subcategory age impact to story modify details delete
4m 12.68s - 4m 14.43s 0m 01.75s mute profanity profanity (other) 1 modify tag adult humor delete
24m 16.93s - 24m 18.58s 0m 01.65s mute profanity profanity (other) 1 modify tag crude adult humor delete
26m 14.05s - 26m 16.53s 0m 02.48s mute profanity h word not OK age 15 and under 1 modify tag swears delete
26m 37.91s - 26m 39.39s 0m 01.48s mute profanity h word not OK age 15 and under 1 modify tag swears again (it's a time loop) delete
33m 30.82s - 33m 32.78s 0m 01.96s mute profanity h word not OK age 15 and under 1 modify tag swears delete
39m 30.92s - 39m 31.85s 0m 00.93s mute profanity crude humor not OK age 12 and under 1 modify tag just a little crude delete
42m 31.25s - 42m 35.48s 0m 04.23s mute profanity d word not OK age 15 and under 1 modify tag darnit delete
43m 37.14s - 43m 45.95s 0m 08.81s yes_audio_no_video physical revealing clothing 1 modify tag shirtless from behind as part of medical procedure delete
45m 42.29s - 45m 52.77s 0m 10.48s yes_audio_no_video physical revealing cleavage 5 modify tag she discovers something on her body while bathing. shoulders up only delete
55m 33.60s - 55m 34.04s 0m 00.44s mute profanity h word not OK age 15 and under 1 modify tag swears delete
59m 52.62s - 59m 53.26s 0m 00.64s mute profanity d word not OK age 15 and under 1 modify tag darn delete
1h 14m 32.86s - 1h 14m 34.42s 0m 01.56s mute profanity h word not OK age 15 and under 1 modify tag swears delete
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SynopsisMakuto is a cheerful, if somewhat disorganized high school student in Japan who is always late and always having things go wrong. After one rotten day at school she has a harrowing close-call with death only to find she's re-living the day over again.
Editing status most recent passunedited/never edited
Editor advisory:A few minor words are left in like "stupid" "idiot" "sucks"
Total movie time1h 38m 19.44s
Good movie rating (out of 10)9
Our local reviewThis is a beautifully animated movie about a trio of teenagers figuring out their future and love and the dangers of time travel! It is very dramatic and emotionally intense at times, as the characters face death and poor choices. Very little foul language and just a few instances of revealing costume choices.
Wholesome_uplifting_level (out of 10)7
Wholesome reviewA little intense for kids, this might make a good movie for teens and above. There is some mild crude language left in (like "sucks" and "stupid"), and some life-threatening situations which means that even edited this is a movie probably only enjoyable for 13+ crowds. This is more of an emotionally intense show and you'll likely find yourself crying with the protagonist by the end. :)
Download Count5
Added to our system2017-04-25 21:47:05 UTC


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