Our editing details for
[TURN: Washington's Spies Season 1, Episode 1 : Pilot]

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Our Details:

Things we found in this movie:
violence: 21, suspense: 9, verbal: 6, substance use: 4, clothing/kissing etc: 2

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Tags for this movie

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start - end duration    default action category subcategory age impact to story modify details delete
2m 35.22s - 2m 58.37s 0m 23.15s skip violence stabbing/shooting with blood not OK age 9 and under 5 modify tag A man walks through a battlefield stabbing enemy survivors delete
3m 32.08s - 3m 46.56s 0m 14.48s yes_audio_no_video violence crudeness not OK age 3 and under 4 modify tag A man urinates with his back to the camera (no nudity) delete
3m 46.56s - 3m 49.06s 0m 02.50s yes_audio_no_video suspense frightening/startling scene/event not OK age 3 and under 1 modify tag Several dead bodies lie in a field after a battle (not graphic) delete
3m 54.63s - 4m 39.29s 0m 44.66s skip violence stabbing/shooting with blood not OK age 15 and under 7 modify tag A man stabs enemy survivors. A man stabs another man in the throat delete
4m 45.80s - 5m 21.87s 0m 36.07s skip violence stabbing/shooting with blood not OK age 15 and under 7 modify tag A man stabs a dead body (graphic) delete
5m 23.90s - 5m 24.18s 0m 00.28s mute profanity d word 1 modify tag "The d... fool" delete
5m 48.35s - 5m 54.77s 0m 06.42s skip violence stabbing/shooting no blood not OK age 6 and under 7 modify tag A man shoots another man and wounds him delete
5m 54.77s - 6m 13.83s 0m 19.06s skip suspense frightening/startling scene/event not OK age 6 and under 7 modify tag Several men chase and shoot at a man delete
8m 14.35s - 8m 44.80s 0m 30.45s skip (disabled) movie-content initial theme song 1 modify tag delete
10m 24.06s - 10m 34.65s 0m 10.59s skip substance-abuse alcohol not OK age 3 and under 4 modify tag A man smokes a pipe in a pub. Another asks for more ale. delete
11m 44.76s - 11m 46.20s 0m 01.44s yes_audio_no_video substance-abuse alcohol not OK age 3 and under 2 modify tag Several men raise a toast delete
12m 31.23s - 13m 21.50s 0m 50.27s skip physical sexual reference not OK age 6 and under 4 modify tag A man reads poetry that contains sexual innuendo. Most children will probably not understand it. delete
13m 41.66s - 14m 38.32s 0m 56.66s skip violence sustained fight not OK age 6 and under 5 modify tag A man's hand is cut. A man holds a pistol to another man's head. Two men are severely beaten delete
17m 47.53s - 18m 21.82s 0m 34.29s skip suspense frightening/startling scene/event not OK age 3 and under 5 modify tag Two men are bound and rushed away by their captors delete
22m 03.47s - 23m 40.42s 1m 36.95s yes_audio_no_video suspense frightening/startling scene/event not OK age 3 and under 4 modify tag A man speaks with another man who is pilloried delete
24m 14.99s - 24m 25.32s 0m 10.33s yes_audio_no_video violence open wounds not OK age 12 and under 7 modify tag A man is shown with his throat slit (very graphic) delete
27m 50.97s - 28m 09.42s 0m 18.45s skip suspense frightening/startling scene/event not OK age 6 and under 4 modify tag A man holds a knife to another man's throat delete
29m 20.65s - 29m 22.50s 0m 01.85s mute profanity a word 1 modify tag "I've already wiped my ar.. today" delete
33m 27.50s - 34m 28.82s 1m 01.32s skip violence violence (other) not OK age 6 and under 5 modify tag A man is taken captive and held under water as torture delete
39m 02.44s - 39m 10.86s (overlaps with tag starting at 39m 10.80s) 0m 08.42s skip violence open wounds not OK age 9 and under 4 modify tag A man purposely cuts his own face with a knife delete
39m 10.80s - 42m 46.34s (overlaps with tag starting at 39m 02.44s) 3m 35.54s skip violence visible blood not OK age 3 and under 7 modify tag A man has blood on his face delete
39m 58.75s - 40m 12.70s (overlaps with tag starting at 39m 10.80s) 0m 13.95s skip violence light fight not OK age 6 and under 4 modify tag A man is forcibly arrested and threatened with hanging delete
40m 12.70s - 42m 11.98s (overlaps with tag starting at 39m 10.80s) 1m 59.28s skip suspense suspenseful fight "will they win?" not OK age 3 and under 7 modify tag A man is interrogated about a murder delete
41m 29.50s - 41m 31.48s (overlaps with tag starting at 39m 10.80s) 0m 01.98s mute profanity d word 1 modify tag "D..., bloody fool!" delete
42m 11.98s - 42m 46.34s (overlaps with tag starting at 39m 10.80s) 0m 34.36s skip violence light fight not OK age 6 and under 7 modify tag A man throws another man to the ground delete
42m 11.98s - 42m 46.34s (overlaps with tag starting at 39m 10.80s) 0m 34.36s skip profanity being mean not OK age 6 and under 7 modify tag A man threatens to kill another man delete
43m 16.11s - 45m 30.10s 2m 13.99s yes_audio_no_video violence visible blood not OK age 3 and under 7 modify tag A man has blood on his face delete
49m 58.08s - 50m 00.87s 0m 02.79s yes_audio_no_video substance-abuse smoking not OK age 3 and under 1 modify tag A man tries to light a pipe delete
50m 05.00s - 50m 06.03s 0m 01.03s yes_audio_no_video substance-abuse smoking not OK age 3 and under 1 modify tag A man holds a pipe in his mouth delete
52m 31.83s - 52m 34.73s 0m 02.90s yes_audio_no_video suspense frightening/startling scene/event not OK age 3 and under 1 modify tag A man startles a woman delete
53m 20.79s - 55m 11.01s (overlaps with tag starting at 53m 37.55s) 1m 50.22s skip suspense suspenseful fight "will they win?" not OK age 3 and under 2 modify tag A man crouches in wait to kill another man delete
53m 37.55s - 53m 46.26s (overlaps with tag starting at 53m 20.79s) 0m 08.71s yes_audio_no_video physical sexual reference 1 modify tag "Over a barrel" delete
55m 45.74s - 55m 59.02s (overlaps with tag starting at 55m 50.86s) 0m 13.28s skip violence threatening actions not OK age 6 and under 2 modify tag A man holds a knife to another man's throat delete
55m 50.86s - 55m 51.77s (overlaps with tag starting at 55m 45.74s) 0m 00.91s mute profanity deity exclamation 1 modify tag "Jesus" delete
56m 10.73s - 56m 13.14s 0m 02.41s yes_audio_no_video violence light fight not OK age 3 and under 1 modify tag A man shoves another man delete
56m 36.53s - 56m 46.18s (overlaps with tag starting at 56m 38.07s) 0m 09.65s skip violence light fight not OK age 3 and under 1 modify tag Two men wrestle in anger delete
56m 38.07s - 56m 38.66s (overlaps with tag starting at 56m 36.53s) 0m 00.59s mute profanity personal insult harsh 1 modify tag "You, ba....." delete
57m 05.54s - 57m 06.98s 0m 01.44s yes_audio_no_video violence light fight not OK age 3 and under 1 modify tag A man pushes another man delete
59m 27.00s - 59m 31.11s 0m 04.11s skip violence stabbing/shooting no blood not OK age 6 and under 7 modify tag Several soldiers are shot in an ambush delete
59m 33.47s - 1h 0m 02.24s 0m 28.77s skip violence stabbing/shooting with blood not OK age 9 and under 7 modify tag Several men die in an attack delete
1h 0m 08.22s - 1h 0m 29.49s 0m 21.27s skip violence stabbing/shooting with blood not OK age 15 and under 7 modify tag A man is stabbed to death and another man is kicked unconscious delete
1h 0m 56.01s - 1h 1m 16.58s (overlaps with tag starting at 1h 0m 56.01s) 0m 20.57s yes_audio_no_video suspense frightening/startling scene/event not OK age 9 and under 7 modify tag A an unconscious man is tied to a horse and a bloody dead body is shown delete
1h 0m 56.01s - 1h 2m 04.85s (overlaps with tag starting at 1h 0m 56.01s) 1m 08.84s yes_audio_no_video violence visible blood not OK age 3 and under 4 modify tag Two men are shown with blood on their faces delete
Feedback on edits for this movie click here.
Alternate URLhttps://www.amazon.com/TURN-Washingtons-Spies-Season-1/dp/B00J5U9SIQ
SynopsisAbraham Woodhull, an American farmer during the Revolutionary War, is recruited as a spy for the Continental Congress.
Editing status most recent passmost recent pass added or modified at least some edits (may have groomed some as well)
Num passes done2
Price to rent/purchaseRent: $1.99/$2.99 Buy: $2.0/$3.0
Total movie time1h 4m 45.82s
Good movie rating (out of 10)9
Original MPAA RatingTV-14
Download Count5
Added to our system2017-04-19 11:04:38 UTC


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