The Spiderwick Chronicles (edited)

The Spiderwick Chronicles

The Spiderwick Chronicles

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The Spiderwick Chronicles
The Spiderwick Chronicles
Description: Family moves into a new house after the parents divorce, and they quickly discover a secret world of fairies and magical creatures, not all of them good.
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This movie has been edited to the end, but we're still working on getting everything, please report anything you notice!

What you can edit out: verbal: 40, violence: 36, suspense: 4, credits/other: 2
Minimum age recommended, to watch edited: 6
Stuff not edited out: Still has some scary scenes fighting an ogre near the end
Wholesome level: 7
Wholesome review: Great for all ages, and a fun movie to watch as a family. Deals with family issues like divorce, and especially at the beginning of the movie, the siblings are all rude to each other and to the mother occasionally, being selfish and mean. Does not reflect a well-rounded happy family until the resolve of the film.
Good movie review: A fun, cute, family movie that deals with magical creatures and family ties, great to watch with children. May be scary for children in some moments, but overall a sweet adaptation of the book series "The Spiderwick Chronicles"
Original rating: PG
Genre: fantasy (1hr 35m)
Price: Rent: $3.0/$4.0 Buy: $10.0/$14.0

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