Our editing details for
[Vikings Season 2, Episode 10 : The Lord's Prayer]

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Our Details:

Things we found in this movie:
clothing/kissing etc: 4, violence: 14

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Tags for this movie

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start - end duration    default action category subcategory age impact to story modify details delete
0m 00.01s - 1m 36.17s 1m 36.16s skip (disabled) movie-content initial theme song 1 modify tag Recap and intro delete
5m 12.98s - 5m 15.90s 0m 02.92s skip physical kissing lewdness level: 3 (out of ??) 1 modify tag A man and wife kiss (not sexual) delete
7m 21.17s - 7m 22.48s 0m 01.31s mute physical sexual reference lewdness level: 3 (out of ??) 1 modify tag A woman says a man "invaded" her delete
9m 09.99s - 9m 46.65s 0m 36.66s skip physical sexual reference lewdness level: 4 (out of ??) 1 modify tag A man tells his friend that the women he's with only want his money. The friend replies that he doesn't care because they don't need to love him to make him happy. delete
20m 07.26s - 20m 12.96s 0m 05.70s yes_audio_no_video violence dead body not OK age 6 and under 7 modify tag A man is shown dead delete
21m 11.71s - 21m 12.05s 0m 00.34s mute profanity personal insult harsh 1 modify tag B...ard delete
26m 44.59s - 27m 30.48s 0m 45.89s skip violence violence (other) not OK age 6 and under 1 modify tag A man lets a woman attack him Popup: He lets her win delete
28m 46.88s - 29m 56.71s 1m 09.83s skip physical sexually charged scene lewdness level: 6 (out of ??) 1 modify tag A man and woman have sex (he is shirtless; she remains clothed on camera) delete
33m 53.40s - 34m 01.09s 0m 07.69s skip violence killing not OK age 12 and under 1 modify tag Several men are killed in battle delete
34m 26.47s - 34m 31.55s 0m 05.08s skip violence killing not OK age 12 and under 1 modify tag Several men are killed in battle delete
34m 34.09s - 34m 43.52s 0m 09.43s skip violence killing not OK age 12 and under 4 modify tag Several men are killed in battle delete
34m 52.02s - 34m 58.14s 0m 06.12s skip violence killing not OK age 12 and under 2 modify tag Many people die in battle delete
35m 17.69s - 35m 27.32s 0m 09.63s skip violence killing not OK age 12 and under 2 modify tag Many people die in battle delete
35m 42.24s - 36m 14.22s 0m 31.98s skip violence killing not OK age 12 and under 7 modify tag Two women fight to the death delete
36m 22.24s - 36m 23.89s 0m 01.65s yes_audio_no_video violence killing not OK age 9 and under 1 modify tag A man is killed with an ax (not graphic) delete
37m 48.67s - 37m 57.64s 0m 08.97s skip violence killing not OK age 12 and under 2 modify tag Several men are struck down delete
39m 20.14s - 39m 33.15s 0m 13.01s skip violence sustained fight not OK age 12 and under 4 modify tag A man is stabbed several times Popup: Three people stabbed him delete
40m 59.62s - 41m 12.29s 0m 12.67s skip violence stabbing/shooting with blood not OK age 15 and under 5 modify tag A man is stabbed; blood drips from the knife delete
41m 17.32s - 42m 05.93s 0m 48.61s skip violence visible wound not OK age 12 and under 2 modify tag A man is beaten to death (very graphic) Popup: Ragnar beat him to death delete
42m 45.51s - 43m 09.94s 0m 24.43s skip violence visible blood not OK age 12 and under 2 modify tag A man's face is covered in blood delete
Feedback on edits for this movie click here.
Alternate URLhttps://www.amazon.com/Vikings-Season-2/dp/B00I9AHY2K
SynopsisThe tension between Ragnar and King Horik finally comes to a head.
prime?amazon prime
Editing status most recent passmost recent pass added or modified at least some edits (may have groomed some as well)
Num passes done2
Editor advisory:Due to the nature of this show, some potentially disturbing scenes of mild violence remain.
Price to rent/purchasefree (with Prime), Buy: $1.99/$2.99
Total movie time44m 09.60s
Good movie rating (out of 10)9
Original MPAA RatingTV-14
Download Count5
Added to our system2018-01-18 09:48:20 UTC


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