Our editing details for
[Song of the Sea]

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Our Details:

Things we found in this movie:
verbal: 13, suspense: 5

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Tags for this movie

If you'd like to see the internal details of all tags, click here.
start - end duration    default action category subcategory age impact to story modify details delete
0m 00.01s - 0m 52.91s 0m 52.90s skip (disabled) movie-content initial theme song 1 modify tag delete
8m 51.25s - 8m 52.70s 0m 01.45s mute profanity being mean 1 modify tag You old witch delete
11m 44.60s - 11m 46.85s 0m 02.25s mute profanity personal insult mild 1 modify tag stupid birthdays delete
19m 45.51s - 19m 49.80s 0m 04.29s mute profanity deity exclamation not OK age 6 and under 1 modify tag delete
24m 05.78s - 24m 06.90s 0m 01.12s mute profanity being mean 1 modify tag The old witch delete
29m 12.16s - 29m 13.15s 0m 00.99s mute profanity personal insult mild not OK age 3 and under 1 modify tag Little devils delete
31m 47.06s - 31m 48.46s 0m 01.40s mute profanity lesser expletive 1 modify tag Holy moly delete
32m 24.14s - 32m 30.86s 0m 06.72s skip suspense suspense other not OK age 3 and under 4 modify tag A boy is nearly hit by a truck delete
35m 20.95s - 35m 21.45s 0m 00.50s mute profanity personal insult mild 1 modify tag I'm an idiot delete
37m 13.68s - 37m 34.30s 0m 20.62s skip suspense suspense other not OK age 3 and under 7 modify tag Several characters are turned to stone delete
39m 06.60s - 39m 08.30s 0m 01.70s mute profanity lesser expletive 1 modify tag geney mackrel delete
40m 11.81s - 40m 12.12s 0m 00.31s mute profanity lesser expletive 1 modify tag Bleedin' trick-or-treaters delete
45m 20.30s - 45m 22.97s 0m 02.67s mute profanity deity exclamation mild not OK age 3 and under 1 modify tag delete
46m 02.00s - 46m 03.70s 0m 01.70s mute profanity lesser expletive 1 modify tag Stupid nettles delete
50m 27.80s - 50m 29.07s 0m 01.27s yes_audio_no_video suspense frightening/startling scene/event not OK age 9 and under 1 modify tag scary eyes man delete
51m 46.58s - 51m 48.70s 0m 02.12s mute profanity lesser expletive 1 modify tag Holy moly delete
1h 4m 07.17s - 1h 4m 19.41s 0m 12.24s skip suspense frightening/startling scene/event not OK age 6 and under 5 modify tag A witch gets angry (maybe scary) delete
1h 8m 49.47s - 1h 9m 07.55s 0m 18.08s skip suspense frightening/startling scene/event not OK age 6 and under 4 modify tag witch lady spins out of control delete
1h 27m 27.84s - 1h 27m 28.86s 0m 01.02s mute profanity deity religious context 1 modify tag Thank God delete
Feedback on edits for this movie click here.
SynopsisThis story follows the last selkie and her human brother as she finds a way to free the other fairies.
Editing status most recent passmost recent pass added or modified at least some edits (may have groomed some as well)
Num passes done2
Price to rent/purchaseRent: $3.0/$4.0 Buy: $10.0/$10.0
Total movie time1h 34m 22.85s
Good movie rating (out of 10)8
Our local reviewThe movie is a cute folk taleish story. The animation is very simplistic, but in a creative and fantastic sort of way.
Wholesome_uplifting_level (out of 10)8
Wholesome reviewThis is a family movie for all ages. There are some family struggles, mainly between two siblings, but nothing too bad.
Original MPAA RatingPG
Download Count3
Added to our system2017-04-21 18:13:12 UTC


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