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start - end duration    default action category subcategory age impact to story modify
12m 38.46s - 12m 39.96s 0m 01.50s mute profanity deity exclamation 1 modify tag
1h 6m 35.39s - 1h 6m 36.63s 0m 01.23s mute profanity f word 1 modify tag
1h 12m 44.59s - 1h 12m 46.16s 0m 01.57s mute profanity personal insult mild 1 modify tag
1h 12m 52.64s - 1h 12m 54.40s 0m 01.77s mute profanity a word 1 modify tag
1h 21m 00.99s - 1h 21m 02.96s 0m 01.97s mute profanity deity exclamation 1 modify tag
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Alternate URLhttps://www.amazon.com/Awakenings-Robert-Niro/dp/B000TS99I2
SynopsisA doctor is introduced to a psychiatric ward. Can he make a difference?
Editing status most recent passunedited/never edited
Price to rent/purchaseRent: $4.0
Total movie time2h 0m 38.23s
Good movie rating (out of 10)8
Original MPAA RatingPG-13
Download Count6
Added to our system2017-03-13 20:56:45 UTC


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