Play It My Way
By Genre: sports

By Genre: sports:

Forever Strong

Forever Strong

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Forever Strong
Forever Strong
Description: Can rugby help a fractured family?
Or your way!

This movie has been edited to the end, but we're still working on getting everything, please report anything you notice!

What you can edit out: violence: 18, verbal: 12, substance use: 6, clothing/kissing etc: 12
Wholesome level: 8
Wholesome review: There are plenty of rugby tackles that aren't edited out.
Good movie level: 7
Original rating: PG-13
Genre: sports (1hr 49m)
Price: Rent: $2.0/$3.0 Buy: $8.0/$10.0

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You need to install the app to watch this video edited. Click here for installation instructions for the free editing app
or here to watch it unedited without the app.
Note that previews also won't be edited there, whether you have the extension installed or not.
Description: Apollo Creed's son (of Rocky Balboa fame) tries to follow the boxing instinct within...
Or your way!

This movie has been edited to the end, but we're still working on getting everything, please report anything you notice!

What you can edit out: violence: 53, verbal: 47, clothing/kissing etc: 14
Wholesome level: 7
Wholesome review: A bit of fighting near the end, but good show. Might want to discuss whether illegitimate children are "still people" as a follow up question.
Original rating: PG-13
Genre: sports (2hr 13m)
Price: Buy: $9.99/$14.99

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